
Managing trial balances

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In the managing trial balance screen, you can see specific accounts from a company with their reference month. Here it is possible to know which accounts are pending classification and updating, besides identifying whether the final balance of the trial balance is equal to zero.

Screen appearance

To access data from a trial balance imported into the platform, select it from the trial balance list, in the opening screen of the module.

In the new screen, the actions of the following information were already described in Chart of Accounts; for details access the article.

In this article, we will explain specificities found in the trial balance screen, such as:

  1. Accounts can be of the Analytic (A) or Synthetic (S) type. To change the type just click on the letter A or S;
  2. Code and name of the accounting account;
  3. Classification options for the type of accounting account: Assets, Liabilities or Result and corresponding Management structures;
  4. Replicate the logic of synthetic accounts;
  5. Action filters for Type and Classification/Structure;
  6. Selection box for mass actions.
  1. Name of the company and date the trial balance refers to. Additionally, the time of uploading;
  2. Filter and pendency indicator that joins all pending accounts to be easier classified;
  3. A magnifying glass to view records of the account and reference month;
  4. Option to change the account value between Debtor or Creditor (D/C);
  5. Account Totalizerof account values.
  6. Option of viewing the value in the company’s currency or in the economic group’s currency;
  7. Option of converting the trial balance.

Trial Balance pendencies

A trial balance is classified as pending when some analytical account is not classified. In this case, the screen is indicated by a yellow P in the upper left corner. In the status bar at the bottom of the screen you can filter pending accounts by clicking on the check box.

Once classified, the trial balance becomes Active and is indicated with the letter A, in green, in the upper left corner.

Trial Balance totalizer

The totalizer is in the status bar at the end of the screen and indicates the total between Credit or Debit balance. If the balance is not zero, the status bar becomes yellow, indicating inconsistency in the trial balance. If the balance is equal to zero, the bar shall remain green.

Another way to identify if the trial balance is non-zero is on the Trial Balance Upload screen. When this happens, an icon next to a trial balance will be shown.

Change to the D/C (Debtor/Creditor) ratio

At any time, you can switch the value of an accounting account to Debtor or Creditor. For this aim, just use the switch beside each value.

Note that this change will impact the Total, showing the value difference that can change the color of the bar, as explained previously.

Multicurrency in the trial balance

The conversion of the company’s currency into the group’s currency can be made by means of the trial balance or by the Financial Statements. To make the conversion, click on the value conversion option.

Creating the CTA account and selecting the type of exchange rate

On clicking the conversion button, a mode shall open where it shall be necessary to select the CTA account (accounting account where the differences between exchange rates are accounted), or if you still don’t have this account in your accounts plan, you shall have the option of creating it. In addition, it is also possible to select/add the type of exchange that you want to classify in the pending exchange structures.

These are the parameters for converting a trial balance:

  1. The trial balance cannot contain inconsistencies;
  2. The trial balance needs to be active;
  3. It is necessary to register a CTA account;
  4. To have the type of exchange registered in all the management structures.

Conversion in bulk

It is possible to do the conversion of the trial balances in bulk, as long as they are all following the parameters necessary for the conversion. All you have to do is to select the trial balances that you want to convert and then click on the conversion button.