Creating Assumptions

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General Aspects

To create an assumption, click on the (+) button in the subcategory row and then select assumption:

Customization of colors (text and fill)

In point 1 of the image, you can customize the appearance of your assumption by changing the stylization between bold and italic, as well as font and background colors.

Decimal places

Point 2 refers to the number of decimal places that the values of the assumptions will have after their creation.

Associate to Forecast (only for Forecast scenarios)

When you select the option of association to Forecast (point 3), you must choose a financial accounting account or Management Structure, which can be found by its name or account code, for the entry to be created in the Forecast module.

Create and associate to an option adjustment (only for the performed)

Allows the association of an option adjustment, which will be reflected in the adjustments of the Financial Statements module.

After selecting the checkbox, it will be necessary to perform the From(origin) and To(destination) of the adjustment, starting with the classification (Assets, Liabilities, Result, Direct or Indirect Cash Flow), and then select the management structure.

Types of Assumptions

Point 4 refers to the type of value that makes up the assumption, and it can be of three types:

  1. Value type: the assumption is created empty and you add the value manually.
  2. Formula type: allows you to compose values using formulas that use assumptions or management structures.
  3. Connection type: allows you to connect a previously created assumption to mirror its values in this new assumption.


Point 5 refers to the different possible configurations for the created assumption:


The assumption can be configured to have a value greater or less than zero

Note: Any values outside the condition will be considered as zero.

Type of summation

In the final column of all lines, you can set up a totalizer, they are:

  1. Sum
  2. Average
  3. First entry
  4. Last entry

Round off

This setting option is related to the rounding of decimal place values, making it possible to round either up or down.


In this section (point 6), you can associate a previously created label with an assumption. Just type in the name of the label and autocomplete will bring up the available options.

Creating Mass Assumptions

In this modal (point 7), you can define the mass creation of assumptions based on three types of references:

Quantity-Based Mass Creation

Quantity: similar to the old process, you can create several assumptions at once.

Mass Creation by Companies

When selecting the reference by companies, you must choose which premises will be selected according to the company, these can be related to the company currency, to the group or associated in tabs.

When selecting the reference by companies, you must choose which premises will be selected according to the company, these can be related to the company currency, to the group or associated in tabs.

Mass creation by Labels

In label-based referencing, you can create an assumption for each label at once.

Important: You must have access to the economic group’s label session to do the creation based on them.