Notifications (mobile)

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By means of the notifications, you are warned about relevant situations that can impact the day to day in Accountfy. You can access your notifications clicking on the icon , located on the application’s lower menu. When there are new notifications the icon receives an alert.

  1. Files: by means of this option you can access the notifications that were filed;
  2. Select: click to select one or more notifications. Select the option “Select all” to select all the notifications at once;
  3. File notification: drag a notification to the left side to open the option “File”. It shall be stored in “Filed”;
  4. Delete: in the same manner that occurs when filing, you can drag the notification to the left side and select the option “Delete” to permanently delete the notification. You can also delete more than one notification at the same time by means of the option “Select”.

The configuration of your notification preferences can also be made by means of the option “User’s preferences” made available in the “Profile” section of the application’s contextual menu. For more details see in “User’s preferences – Notifications”.