
Inserting content (texts, graphs, tables, images, and .pdf files)

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To insert any type of content in the document body requires to create content blocks. To create such a block, click on the button ( + ) inside the document; the number of creative blocks is unlimited, with up to three columns per block:

Insertion of content

To include any content, requires first to add a text block, according to the guidance above.

To add graphs, images and tables click on the (+) button in the option header:

Then, a new screen with options will open:

Adding Tables

Presently, the module includes financial tables previously created in other modules as: Balance Sheet, Statement of Change of Net Assets, Direct and Indirect Cash Flow, Statement of Added Value.

Some tables come in two types of versions: Presentation Version (same as the Accountfy tables) and Note Version (black and white):

Insertion of content

To insert a PDF or a new page in your document / presentation, select ( + ) at the end of the last page:

Adding a file: By clicking on this option, a new modal will open to upload a PDF file.

Creating a new section: by choosing this option, a new modal will open for configuration of the new section, with option to choose between A3 or A4 formats, and picture or landscape orientation:

Adding a customized table

To add a customized table, choose the option “Empty Table”; all customizations will be carried out on the customization screen of the empty table:

Customization Tabs

  1. Basic Actions
    Styles: bold, italic, underscored, double underscored and strikethrough;
    Size and type of fonts;
    Text and filling color;
    Left, right, central, or justify;
    Text orientation and text breakup;
    Merge cells;
    Number formats (general, accounting, percentage, etc);
    Increase or reduce number of decimal places;
    Percentage style and thousands separator;
    Conditional formatting;
    Formatting as a Table;
    Cell styles and states;
    Insert, delete and format;
    Import Accountfy information.
  2. Other actions:
    Data handling tools:
    Data validation;
    Line and column headers;
    Vertical and horizontal grid;

Adding Graphs

To add graphs to your document, you first need to have at least one graph previously created in the graph creation module.

Graph configuration allows to:

  • Include the document reference date
  • Choose a specific reference date
  • Change the size of the graph: compact, normal, or large

Adding Images

There are two ways to add images to the document; clicking on the button “select from your computer” and choosing the image or dragging it directly to the screen:

All images saved in the system are stored in the “My Library” tab for easy recovery.