User’s preferences (mobile)

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To edit your personal information, such as name, avatar, language preferences and password, click on the “Profile” option of the menu on the bottom bar of the application, within the Profile section click on the option “Preferences”, and lastly select one among the three options on the top tag:

  1. Edit profile: name, avatar, dark mode and language preferences;
  2. Change password: shortcut to the applications initial screen, to start the password editing process;
  3. Notifications: activate sound warnings, configure which notifications you want to receive and from where;

Edit profile

  1. Name: choose how your name shall appear in the platform (it is visible to other users);
  2. Your initials: two characters (letters only) that shall represent you within your avatar;
  3. Avatar color: choose of the options of color for your avatar;
  4. Dark mode: choose the overall theme of your application (dark or clear). With the Dark Mode option active you have greater visual comfort and reduces the battery consumption of your smartphone;
  5. Preference language: after login, the platform shall be displayed in the selected language;
  6. E-mail: for security reasons, this information can only be edited by the administrator of the Economic Group.

For your preferences to have effect, click on Save Changes.

Change password

To change the password click on the option “Exit and change password”, for security reasons it shall be necessary to redo the login before carrying out the change of password.

  • New password: type the new password following the standard below;
  • Confirm the new password: the password must be typed again, identical to the password in the field above;

New password

The new password must follow the following criteria:

  • Contain 8 characters as a minimum;
  • At least 1 upper case letter;
  • At least 1 lower case letter;
  • At least 1 number;

Forgot the current password?

If you don’t remember your current password, you can recover it, you can recover it accessing the login screen and clicking on the link above the Password field. An e-mail shall be sent with instructions for redefining it.

Google User

If your login is by means of a Google account, you cannot change your password in the platform since we have no access neither do we store this information in our servers. This change, in this case, must be carried out directly in the configurations of your Google Account.

Verify the Google documentation here.


  • Allow sound warnings: activate or deactivate sound alarms for new notifications;
  • Where do you want to be notified?: for defining where you want to be notified, select one or more among the options Platform, App and E-mail, for each type of notification. You shall receive notifications only for the options selected;
  • Redefine the default configuration of the notifications: go back to the default configuration for sending notification. Remember: by default, no notification is sent to the application;