General Overview
In Management Adjustments you can create, view, edit or exclude an existing adjustment, organize adjustments by Grouping them, check pendencies or inconsistencies in formulas, check the author and the editor of the last adjustment, export them to an Xls spreadsheet, as well as import them via Xls and perform mass actions. The modal below lists existing adjustments:

- Mass actions. By selecting this option, it is possible to exclude Management Adjustments in bulk or indicate whether it they impact the Cash Flow or not;
- Search field;
- Filter field to carry out a Grouping function;
- Add adjustment. After clicking, will create and open an Adjustment modal;
- Contextual menu, with options to import and export adjustments;
- Sorting and filter;
- Description Column. Management Adjustments Detailing;
- Company Code. Indicates the name of the company to which the Adjustments apply;
- Currency Code. Indicates the currency to carry out the Adjustment.
- Origin/Destination Code. The origin code corresponds to the Structure from which the adjustment will proceed. The Destination option is the Structure where the values will go.
- Pagination index;
- Display of the name of the author and name of the last user who edited the adjustment;
- Grouping functions;
- Changes to the table. After any value is edited, it is necessary to click on the save button;
- Undefined formula. A red bar indicates that, despite the value being indicated by a formula, the formula is empty and needs to be redefined;
- Adjustment not considered in the reference. By creating or editing an Adjustment, it is possible to indicate the validity period of that adjustment. In this case, the yellow bar indicates that the selected period in the module does not agree with the period shown in the Financial Statements tables.
Mass actions
With mass adjustments it is possible to select one, multiple, or all management adjustment lines, and by doing so, get the options for Impact on Cash Flow (either Yes or No) and Exclude Selected adjustments, as shown in the image below:
Search field and filter by Grouping
In the search field, it is possible to search for management adjustments using one of the fields: Description, Company, Cost Center, Classification, Origin Structure, and Destination Structure.
With the Grouping Filter, it is possible to filter using one or more grouping functions. By standard, the filter comes with all options unchecked and, in such scenario, no filter is applied. The filter only shows grouping functions associated to previously made adjustments. Below is an example for the use of the filter:
By clicking on the x icon in the filter, the selection is canceled, and the modal returns to show all created adjustments.
Configuring a new management adjustment
By clicking on the add button, it is possible to create a new management adjustment by filling out and selecting the following fields:

1) Description: free text that describes the management adjustment;
2) Company: list of companies available for the user;
3) Currency: list of currencies available for the user;
4) Cost Center: field with autocomplete, searching cost centers to which the user has access (optional field);
5) Impact on Cash Flow: checkbox that determines if that adjustment will impact on the Cash Flow;
6) Consider adjustment between…: checkboxenabling the date-pickers Initial Date and Final Date (7 and 8). This function applies the adjustment only to the period established by the user. Example:
This option applies only to adjustments determined by formula in the main module. For adjustments with manual values, neglect this option (it does not impact the adjustment but remains available for future configurations).
10) Clique em Salvar para finalizar a criação ou edição do ajustes
7) Initial Date
8) Final Date
9) Origin and destination: list with account type classification (Assets (A), Liabilities (L) and Results, Direct and In Direct Cash Flow) and autocomplete field searching only structures corresponding to the first choice.
Click on Save after finishing creation or editing adjustments
- If the origin is Assets (A), Liabilities (L) or Results (R), the destination can be any structure of these three items;
- If the origin is Direct Cash Flow,the destination must be a structure of the Direct Cash Flow;
- If the origin is Indirect Cash Flow, the destination must be a structure of the próprio Indirect Cash Flow.
10) Grouping function: It is possible to select already created grouping functions or create new ones. Just click on the name of the grouping function; if it exists it will appear on the list, if not, an option to create a new one will be shown.

Editing a management adjustment
In an already created management adjustment, the edit icon is at the side of the formula icon, as shown in the image below:
Clicking on the mentioned icon, the management adjustment edit modal will open, similar to the modal for management adjustment creation. In this modal, saved adjustment features will already appear filled out and there is also an icon for deleting in the upper right corner which allows to delete an open adjustment

To save accomplished edits, just click on the button Save Adjustment, on the lower right corner of the open modal.
To delete the adjustment, just click on the in the upper right corner of the modal and confirm the action, as shown in the following alert:
Sorting and filtering
Besides the grouping function, another functionality allows to filter valid adjustments, adjustments pending formula and/or (adjustment) outside the reference period, as shown in the figure below
It is also possible to sort the Columns: Description, Company, and Currency either in ascending or descending order.
Showing author name and last editor user
By creating an adjustment, the avatar and the name of the author will always appear in the list, in the corresponding line, as shown in the image below:
By editing an adjustment, the name of the editor will also be displayed, as shown below:
Placing the cursor over these information, a pop over will display them in more detail, as represented below:
Grouping function
All tags linked to the management adjustment in question will be displayed side-by-side, as shown below:
We suggest that Grouping function names be given in a way to allow categorization of similar adjustments. By typing the name of the Grouping function, a list with grouping indications will appear. In case it does not exist, it can be created as shown in the image.
Recently created Groupings will appear in green, while existent will appear in gray. This formatting helps the user to avoid recreating previously created groupings.
After associating a Management Adjustment to a Grouping function, it is possible to filter it on the main screen of the financial statements.
In Filter, just select the option Consider Adjustments and then filter with the Grouping function you want, which will facilitate and flexibilize the analysis.
Changes in the table
Clicking on the hashtag (#) icon, allows to open the table of defined values for the management adjustment in question. With the table open, individual values can be edited and, by doing so, the save icon will become yellow indicating that there are unresolved issues (pendencies) to be saved in the table, as shown in the figure below:

If for any reason, the user leaves the modal without saving the changes, an alert will be shown as can be seen in the message below.
Undefined formula
When a management adjustment is created and defined by a formula which was not yet defined, two visual indications will appear in the line of the adjustment.
The first one is a red bar at the beginning of the line and a tooltip informative, as shown below

The second one is an alert directly on the formula icon, together with an informative tooltip, as follows:
To edit and define a formula, after resolving the visual alerts, just click on the formula icon of the management adjustment and the modal for configuration and creation of management adjustments and the formula creation mode will open.
Non-considered Adjustment in the reference period
Considering the user-defined reference period in the modal preferences of the module, an adjustment may not be applied to the financial statements. When this happens, two indications appear in the adjustment line.
The first one is a yellow bar at the beginning of the management adjustment line and an informative tooltip, indicating which reference period is displayed on the main screen of the Financial Statements

The second is an alert directly on the formula icon, along with an informative tooltip, as shown below: