Exclusion of confidential information of an Economic Group

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This option has the objective to remove confidential information from a certain economic group at a given date.

Configuration for Exclusion

In “creation of an Economic Group”, you can configure an exclusion by marking the option “Exclude confidential information in:”

Next, select a date at least eight days ahead of the present day (In the example, the day is July 23, 2020).

Alerts for exclusion of information

You can check the information to be excluded by clicking on the contextual icon of the Economic Group, located on the upper right corner of the card or in the list of the Group, identified in the upper bar, by choosing “Edit Group”.

You can check the information to be excluded by clicking on the contextual icon of the Economic Group, located on the upper right corner of the card or in the list of the Group, identified in the upper bar, by choosing “Edit Group”.

At the end of the process, information such as common users, trial balances, ledger records, comments, revisions, adjustments and eliminations, exchange rates and values from Financial Modeling and Forecast tables will be excluded from the platform.

Changing an Exclusion date

To change or cancel an exclusion date, just return to the edit mode by clicking on the contextual icon for the Economic Group, or on the “click here” button, as shown in the figure below:

Finally, choose a new exclusion date or check off (ü) the selection box “Exclude confidential information in:”