Editing an Economic Group

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Only administrator users can edit an Economic Group.


There are two ways to edit an Economic Group:

  1. In the My Groups screen, in the contextual menu, in the Edit Group option;
  2. Inside an Economic Group, in the option list with the name of your group (option Edit Group).

In edit mode, click on the icon located on the top of the first column.

  1. Name of the Economic Group;
  2. The Visualization Field, allows choosing a scale in which the values will be shown on the platform. Actual values will be divided, facilitating visualization and analysis of large numbers. The minimum unit is 1 and the maximum;
  3. In the field Currency define a standard currency for the Economic Group. This does not hinder the existence of other companies with other currencies than those used by the Group;
  4. It is possible to choose the format in which values will be shown on the platform. The options are: 1.234,56; 1,234.56; 1234,56 or 1234.56;
  5. Type of Group.  Group Models are the basis for creation of any economic group, each with its own management models and hierarchy. Consolidator Groups are those that use information from other Economic Groups, consolidating them;   
  6. By selecting a date to Exclude confidential information, all common users, trial balances, ledger records, comments, adjustments and exclusions, exchange rates and values of the Financial Modeling and Forecast tables will be excluded from Accountfy servers;
  7. Numeral values of liability structures may be inverted by selecting the option Invert Liability sign.
  8. Remember to click on the Update buttonto save your configurations.

Excluding an Economic Group

To exclude an Economic Group, just click on the icon, either in the main group in edit mode, or in the information edit mode.

This action also excludes all companies and information from this Economic Group.