Introduction to Upload Information

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In this module you can import and manage your trial balances and Ledger records, as well as your cost centers.


General overview

  1. List of Trial Balances linked to Companies of the Economic Group. Each line in the list represents one Trial balance.
  2. List of Ledger records.
  3. Button for uploads/importLearn how to make these uploads.

My trial balances.

You can view the balance details clicking on the company’s name; in addition, by clicking on the company’s name and by placing the cursor over the line, you will have access to the related functions described below:

When you mark a trial balance as beginning of an accounting period, the icon in question turns green.

After clicking on the icon, a modal will open for you to confirm the action. If you want to define that trial balance as end of the period, simply select the “Perform period-end closing” option. In this case you will need to indicate the destination account to perform the period-end closing, as well as the date of period beginning.

To add the account simply type part of the name and Accountfy displays available accounts. The date refers to the first month of the period you want to end-close.

Note that the action of Hiding, Locking and Deleting a trial balance can be performed by a mass action. Simply select the trial balances for which you want to apply the action and option icons will appear on the top of the balances, as shown in the figure.

When marking the action of mass deletion of balance sheets and records, a modal shall open for typing the Token and confirming the action

My records

The second column of the home screen of the Information Upload module refers to Ledger records.

Next to the search tab, is the Generate Trial Balance icon; described in detail below. If more than one record is selected, the search field gives way to the Delete icon to perform the mass action. When you place the cursor over the record lines for a specific month, you will have the following options:

Generating a trial balance from ledger records

You can create a trial balance from ledger records in two ways. The first way is individual for each record. Simply click on the icon for a specific record and follow the instructions in the module below.

By selecting the Perform period-end closing option, you will need to indicate a destination account to write the period-end closing records. In the example above, all amounts for the month 09/2019 will be consolidated in the indicated account, and the trial balance for the month 10/2019 will be created considering this accounting action.

The second way is by clicking on the create trial balance button, located next to the search field, highlighted in the figure below:

This action has an intelligence that generates all available trial balances automatically. Thus, if there are available records, but there is still no trial balance generated for the month and company in question, Accountfy automatically generates all those available.

In accounting practice, a company’s trial balance must follow a monthly sequence for consistency of values. Therefore, if there is a gap between any months in the trial balances, but there are records available from that period, by generating the trial balance automatically, they will all be reprocessed. This ensures data veracity.

You can only generate a trial balance through records without errors. In Case errors are found, the option is disabled, making the action impossible.

If you need to end-close the period of any of the bulk-generated trial balances, we recommend that you do this in the generate trial balance action.

When you click on the button to generate a trial balance automatically, a confirmation module will open. At this point you must indicate whether there is any record that indicates period-end closing.

  1. When you select the checkbox period-end closing, the module expands, and other options appear for you to fill out;
  2. When you close the period, you must specify an account to destine remaining amounts of the closed trial balances. The account can be one for all closed trial balances or a specific account for each closed record.
  3. The next step is to indicate which months for each company you want to close. By selecting the “Close multiple months” option, a list with the available months will appear;
  4. Specify a destination account. You can enter either its code or its name.

Actions in the contextual menu

Managing cost centers

Cost centers are divisions such as departments or projects, to which certain costs are allocated. If your company uses cost centers, you can set them up in Accountfy.

  1. If the company has many cost centers, you can search by their names or codes.
  2. This option allows to upload an XLS spreadsheet with all its cost centers, importing them a single time.
  3. By moving the cursor over each line of each cost center, you will have options to (edit) and/or (exclude).
  4. You can create a cost center manually by registering its code and description.
  5. If you select the Consolidator option, a list of existing cost centers is presented, and you can select some of them (or even all) to be consolidated to the cost center you are creating.

Exporting information

É possível exportar suas informações para uma planilha XLS. Para isso basta definir o período entre data inicial e final, e selecionar as empresas que você deseja, entre outras opções, como: exportar as classificações gerenciais, visualizar as movimentações e exportar as estruturas e seus respectivos códigos

You can also export the chart of accounts of the Economic Group in issue. To access this function, click on the management menu, located to the right of the Upload information screen, and then click on the button “Export chart of accounts”.

User guidance

For a better understanding of the symbology and naming adopted in the platform, users have access to the User Guidance – a quick guide with descriptions of each element.