Introduction to the Comparative Dashboard

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General overview

Important: to view information options of this module requires to create at least one scenario in the Forecast module.

The Comparative Dashboard homepage has the button Go to Forecast as its main option, in order to allow you, first, to create or add a scenario for comparison. In case you have already created a scenario, it shall be displayed as soon as you access the Comparative Dashboard.

Clicking on the contextual menu you shall have the other options listed below:

  1. Preferences menu: option for general visualization and definition of the reference date;
  2. Configure column: facilitates visualization, customizing your scenarios the way you want;
  3. Export to .xls: export your information in Excel® standard;
  1. Secondary scenario: add another scenario for comparison;
  2. User guide: gives you access to an explanation summary of the module’s functionalities;


Next to the contextual menu, it is possible to open the filter option. To use the filter and get to know more about the available dimensions, access the article Filter within the Financial Statements module.

Creating a scenario

In the Forecast module or in the Comparative Dashboard, you can create or add the scenario in the following ways;

  1. Clicking on the button Create Scenario, represented by item 1
  2. Choosing the option Add Scenario, re-presented by item 2. Note that this option shall only be available in case there are already created scenarios.

In the open modal, fill out the fields in the following way:

  1. Name of the scenario;
  2. Assign a reference date for it (As a rule, the Accountfy shall always project in the scenario the 12 months following the reference date);
  3. Define the number of columns of Realized Values that you want to view with the Forecast scenario;
  4. Finally, in case a scenario was created, the option to import data from it shall be active. In case no scenario was created, select the option to create M-1 records for the balance. In this option when shall use the data from December of the year previous to that of the reference date to create entries in the balance and not leave it without data.

Detailing of accounts

After creating a scenario with reference date, number of columns and records, you can view it returning to the Financial Statements module, accessing the Comparative Dashboard. There you can see the values the way you want, as mentioned in the Configurate Columns article.

Clicking on the icon, you can view the accounting accounts, compare them between Realized Values and Forecast.