To enter the Accountfy, you must be previously invited to participate of at least r one economic group. Observe the manner of logging in, which can be done by an ordinary account or by means of a Google account.
For Google users
The Accountfy allows the user to login by means of a Google account. In this case, in the login screen, instead of typing your e-mail and password, just click in the button Enter with Google, authenticate your access with your date and carry out the login. After the validation, you shall be redirected to the platform’s main screen.
Remember: Your Google account must be previously linked to the Accountfy so that you can use it to log in, otherwise, even after authentication you shall not have access to the platform by means of it.
For users with ordinary account
Type your e-mail and your password in the indicated fields and click on the button ENTER.
Invalid user or password
The platform identifies if the user or the password are incorrect. In this case, the information below shall appear:
If you are sure that your e-mail is registered in the Accountfy and even so you are receiving this message, contact your support team by means of the chat located on the lower right corner of the platform.