
Views, Categories and Tags

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What are Views?

The Views are groups of Tags ready for analysis. These tags don’t have to belong to the same Category, for the purpose of the Views is to make data filtering and analysis easier. The list with all the Views shall be available for analysis in the Filter of each module.

The Views management mode can be accessed in the Information Upload Module, clicking on the Contextual Menu and then in Views and Tags.

What are Tags?

Accountfy Tags are a way to mark and group each Ledger record, and each tag should belong to a specific category. Ledger records can be marked with more than one tag, provided they are of distinct categories.

Tags provide versatility and in-depth for the financial analysis.

What are Categories?

Categories are tag groupers. Through them it is possible to carry out vertical analyses that make sense for the branch of the business. 

It is recommended to use Views, Categories and Tags for analyses in Cost Centers, Departments, Regional, Daughter Companies, among other.

Registering Categories and Tags

To access the Categories and Tags module, click on the Uploading Information module and access the option Views and Tags.

Since every Tag must belong to a Category, the first step is to create them.

There are two ways to register your tags: importing from an Xls file or creating them manually in the tag module.

All registered Tags will be shown in the list and are composed of a three-letter code of the category, the code of the tag and the name of the tag.

  1. Searching by tags
  2. To add tags, click to create tags manually.
  3. Bulk action to exclude tags.
  4. Tag list, comprising the Category code, Tag code and name. In the right corner, the tag color is the same indicated during creation of the category.

Creating a Category

If there are no categories registered in the Views and Tags module, a central button will indicate the need to create them. 

In case some category was already created, to add a new one, click on the contextual menu and then on Edit Category to access the Category management module.

  1. Searching Categories;
  2. To add a new Category, click on the icon to access the creation module;
  3. A list with all created categories will appear;
  4. For management of colors and editing categories, click on their icons to edit them.

Categories are composed of a name, a three-letter code, and customizable colors. When you create a category, the three-letter code is generated automatically, but you can edit it.

You also have the option to customize the category’s color palette by inserting colors for the background and beside the name. The chosen color combination will be displayed on all labels belonging to that category, helping to identify them.

Registering labels manually

In Views and Tags mode, click on the icon + on the right side to add new tags.

There are two tabs, with the first one destined for tag configuration. 

You must enter a name for the tag and associate it to a previously created category. The code will be generated automatically but can be edited.

The maximum number of characters allowed for the label code is 50.

The second tab is for permissions for that tag. By default, the user who creates the tag is the only one with access to it and to the analyses derived from it.

By clicking on the icon located next to the search field, all users in the Group will be selected and will have access permission.

Importing a Tag via file

To import labels via file, access the option in the contextual menu of the Views and Tags modal and click on Importing Tags.

The Categories must have been created previously.

To import new tags requires downloading the file module. 

When you click on Download template, the basis file already comes with the registered Categories. Therefore, it is mandatory to fill out the name of each new tag and associate it with a category in the file.

Filling out the label code column is optional and if left empty, random codes will be generated. After filling out the information, return to the platform and upload the file.

Creating Views

To create them, click on the Icon or the empty frame with the same icon and enter the View name.

Afterwards, it is necessary to drag the tags inside the View square. The action can be done individually or mass selecting, as in the example.

Note that the North View was created in the video example, which has all the tags of the Cost Center category, plus the North tag of the Regional category. This means that on applying the North View on the platform filters, the values of the North Regional Cost Centers shall be displayed.

Further on the creation of Views, it is possible to select which company it belongs to. On the View square, on the right-hand side, there is a filter icon with all the available companies. By default, all the companies appear selected, but it is possible to deselect them.

Utilizing Views and Tags on the platform

After creating a record, mark it with a tag. This action is done when importing records from the Ledger or records in the Forecast.

Each record can only contain one tag per category

When importing is finished, the records will be tagged and can be filtered in the platform. Access the Filter file, to learn more about the analyses.