Seeking to provide greater agility in its modeling, management of premises, management adjustments and associations to the Forecast, Accountfy has the function of bulk actions within the Financial Modeling. This feature can reduce the time used to formalize its financial processes within the platform! Within these actions, it enables the creating, editing and deletion of several premises at once.
Bulk creating
In a scenario and category already created beforehand, access the bulk premises section clicking on the button, the same one used for creating the single premises, and, after this action, click in “Premise”.
After the opening of the premises creating mode, select the “Multiple premises” tab:
Bulk creating: Quantity
Within the bulk creating of premises, we have 3 options. The first one is the creating in Quantity (1), where it is possible to choose as many premises as you want to create in a single creating action. This number can be determined from the selector (2) in the multiple premises creating mode:
After determining the number of premises that you want to create, there is also a General information section that shall be shared by all the premises created in this manner:
- Prefix: Standard text displayed before the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Name: Name of the premises that shall be created, The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Suffix: Standard text displayed after the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Formatting: Formatting option of sterilizing the premises. In this section, it can be defined among bold, italics, font color and cell fill color;
- Company: Association option of the premises that shall be created to the companies already registered in the Economic Group;
- Cost Center: Association option of the premises that shall be created to the Cost Centers already registered in the Economic Group;
- Measurement unit: Determination of the measurement unit expressed by the premise (e.g.:R$, Ton, L, g, Kg, among others);
- Currency: Determination of the currency allocated to the premises that shall be created. The selectdisplays as options the currencies registered in the company defined in item 5, as well as the default currency of the Economic Group;
- Decimal places: Determination of the decimal precision can be defined in filling the premises (from 0 to 6 decimal places can be defined for creating the premises, both single and multiple);
- Association to Management Adjustments/Forecast: Option for association of the premises that shall be created. On marking the option of the association to Management Structures, it is required to select the Classifications and ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group of origin and destination so that a management adjustment would be created (for each premise to be created) in the Financial Statements module. When marking the option of association to the Forecast, it is necessary to select a financial account or ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group, which can be found by account name or code, so that the entry is created in the Forecast module.
The option of Association to the Forecast it is only possible in a Forecast scenario while the option of Association to the Management Adjustments is only allowed for the Realized scenario.
After determining the General Information, there is also a section so that the Type of Premise is determined, complying with the following formats:
- Values: The premise is created zeroed and the value must be added manually;
- Formula: Allows composing values by means of formulas using other premises, management structures, assets, liabilities, results, direct and indirect cash flow, financial accounts and subcategories of premises. For more information of how to compose a personalized see the article Formoulas Modal;
- Connection: Allows the connection of a premise created beforehand in any other Economic Group that has access to spread out its respective values in these new premises that shall be created in bulk.
After determining the Type of Premises, there is a section so that certain Main Configurations of the premises that shall be created in bulk is determined:
- Conditional: Conditional determined for the premises, where the values that do not apply to the rule shall be automatically considered as zero;
- Type of Totalization: Logic applied to display values in the last column of the table(Total). To enable the column, all you have to do is to click on the gear menu of the table and enable the option “Type of Totalization” in the Vertical Information;
- Rounding: Displaydesired for not considering the decimal places that exceed the limit of decimal places defined above in General Information section.
After determining the Main Configurations, there is also a section so that the Premise Tags that shall be created in bulk are determined and organized:
In this section, it is possible to associate a tag previously created in Upload of Information to the premises that shall be created in bulk. Write the tag name and the autocomplete shall bring the available options.
Bulk creating: Companies
The second option for bulk creating is by Companies (1), where it is possible to choose as many premises as you want to create from the selected number of companies (2). If the option of currency “From the company” is selected, only one premise shall be created for each selected company, where the currency linked to that premise is the default currency defined for that company.
If the option of currency “From the group” is selected, only one premise shall be created for each selected company, where the currency linked to that premise is the default currency for each selected company defined for the Economic Group.
If the option of currency “Use both” is selected, a premise shall be created for each combination of company and currency. If the default currency defined for the Company is equal to the default currency defined for the Economic Group, only one premise for the company in question shall be created. If the default currency defined for the Company is different from the default currency defined for the Economic Group, two premises shall be created for the company in question.
After determining the number of premises that you want to create, you have also a section of General Information that shall be shared by all the premises created in this manner:
- Prefix: Standard text displayed before the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Name: Name of the premises that shall be created, The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Suffix: Standard text displayed after the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the premises is prefix – name – suffix
- Formatting: Formatting option of sterilizing the premises. In this section, it can be defined among bold, italics, font color and cell fill color;
- Cost Center: Association option of the premises that shall be created to the Cost Centers already registered in the Economic Group;
- Measurement unit: Determination of the measurement unit expressed by the premise (e.g.:R$, Ton, L, g, Kg, among others);
- Decimal places: Determination of the decimal precision can be defined in filling the premises (from 0 to 6 decimal places can be defined for creating the premises, both single and multiple);
- Association to Management Adjustments/Forecast: Option for association of the premises that shall be created. On marking the option of the association to Management Structures, it is required to select the Classifications and ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group of origin and destination so that a management adjustment would be created (for each premise to be created) in the Financial Statements module. When marking the option of association to the Forecast, it is necessary to select a financial account or ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group, which can be found by account name or code, so that the entry is created in the Forecast module.
The option of Association to the Forecast it is only possible in a Forecast scenario while the option of Association to the Management Adjustments is only allowed for the Realized scenario.
After determining the General Information, there is also a section so that the Type of Premise is determined, complying with the following formats:
- Values: The premise is created zeroed and the value must be added manually;
- Formula: Allows composing values by means of formulas that use other premises, management structures, assets, liabilities, results, direct and indirect cash flow, financial accounts and subcategories of premises. For more information of how to compose a personalized see the article Formulas Modal;
- Connection: Allows the connection of a premise created beforehand in any other Economic Group that has access to spread out its respective values in these new premises that shall be created in bulk.
After determining the Type of Premises, there is also a section to determine the Main Configurations of the premises that shall be created in bulk:
- Conditional: Conditional determined for the premises, where the values that do not apply to the rule shall be automatically considered as zero;
- Type of Totalization: Logic applied to display values in the last column of the table(Total). To enable the column, all you have to do is to click on the gear menu of the table and enable the option “Type of Totalization” in the Vertical Information;
- Rounding: Display desired for not considering the decimal places that exceed the limit of decimal places defined above in General Information section.
After determining the Main Configurations, there
is also a section so that the Premise Tags that shall be created in bulk are determined
and organized:
In this section, it is possible to associate a tag previously created in Upload of Information to the premises that shall be created in bulk. Write the tag name and the autocomplete function shall bring the available options.
Bulk creating: Tags
The third option for bulk creating is in Tags
(1), where it is possible to choose as many premises as you want to create in a
single creating action. This number can be determined from the tags category
selector. (2) together with the Tags selector (3) registered for the category
of tags selected in (2). A premise shall be created for each tag selected in
(3). These created premises are already linked to the tags defined:
After determining the number of premises that you want to create, you have also a section of General Information that shall be shared by all the premises created in this manner:
- Prefix: Standard text displayed before the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Name: Name of the premises that shall be created, The default display of the created premises is prefix – name – suffix;
- Suffix: Standard text displayed after the premise name. There are two options here for selection: None (option that maintains the premises without a defined prefix) and Sequential (option that defines a counter from 1 to n, n being the number of premises defined for bulk creating). The default display of the premises is prefix – name – suffix
- Formatting: Formatting option of sterilizing the premises. In this section, it can be defined among bold, italics, font color and cell fill color;
- Company: Association option of the premises that shall be created to the companies already registered in the Economic Group;
- Cost Center: Association option of the premises that shall be created to the Cost Centers already registered in the Economic Group;
- Measurement unit: Determination of the measurement unit expressed by the premise (e.g.:R$, Ton, L, g, Kg, among others);
- Currency: Determination of the currency allocated to the premises that shall be created. The selectdisplays as options the currencies registered in the company defined in item 5, as well as the default currency of the Economic Group;
- Decimal places: Determination of the decimal precision can be defined in filling the premises (from 0 to 6 decimal places can be defined for creating the premises, both single and multiple);
- Association to Management Adjustments/Forecast: Option for association of the premises that shall be created. On marking the option of the association to Management Structures, it is required to select the Classifications and ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group of origin and destination so that a management adjustment would be created (for each premise to be created) in the Financial Statements module. When marking the option of association to the Forecast, it is necessary to select a financial account or ASEG-Accounting Structures of the Economic Group, which can be found by account name or code, so that the entry is created in the Forecast module.
The option of Association to the Forecast it is only possible in a Forecast scenario while the option of Association to the Management Adjustments is only allowed for the Realized scenario.
After determining the General Information, there is also a section so that the Type of Premise is determined, complying with the following formats:
- Values: The premise is created zeroed and the value must be added manually;
- Formula: Allows composing values by means of formulas that use other premises, management structures, assets, liabilities, results, direct and indirect cash flow, financial accounts and subcategories of premises. For more information of how to compose a personalized see the article Formulas Modal;
- Connection: Allows the connection of a premise created beforehand in any other Economic Group that has access to spread out its respective values in these new premises.
After determining the Type of Premises, there is also a section to determine the Main Configurations of the premises that shall be created in bulk:
- Conditional: Conditional determined for the premises, where the values that do not apply to the rule shall be automatically considered as zero;
- Type of Totalization: Logic applied to display values in the last column of the table(Total). To enable the column, all you have to do is to click on the gear menu of the table and enable the option “Type of Totalization” in the Vertical Information;
- Rounding: Displaydesired for not considering the decimal places that exceed the limit of decimal places defined above in General Information section.
Bulk editing
In a scenario and category already created beforehand that contain premises, a bulk editing of the same can be carried out, clicking on the button on the checkbox of the premise desired to select it (1). On carrying out this action, the checkbox located on the table header shall indicate a state of partial selection (2).
It is also possible to select (or remove the selection) of all the premises at a single time clicking on the checkbox located on the table header (1):
After selecting the desired premises is carried out, it is possible to edit them at a single time, clicking on the icon that shall appear on the upper right-hand corner of the subcategory:
On clicking on the icon, the bulk editing mode shall open.
- Indicator of editing multiple premises;
- All the premises selected for editing;
- Information to be edited.
Within the bulk editing mode we find 3 main editing sections that can be retracted or expanded. These are: General Information (1), Configurations (2) and Organize and filter your premises (3).
Within each of these sections there are a few checkboxes that, when marked, enable the editing of the referent fields and, when unmarked, disable the editing of the referent fields. Only the fields that were altered shall be edited, in bulk, for all the selected premises.
When marking the checkbox “Editing names” the editing of prefixes is enabled (1), names (2), suffixes (3), the bold formatting (4), italics (5), font color (6) and cell fill color (7) of the selected premises
For the options of bulk editing of prefix and suffix we have “None” (removes all the prefixes and/or suffixes already existing on the selected premises), “Sequential” (adds a sequential counter in the prefixes and/or suffixes of the selected premises) and “Company” (adds in the prefixes and/or suffixes of the selected premises the company to which it is registered).
When marking the checkbox “Edit General Information” the editing is enabled for Company (1), Cost Center (2), Measurement Unit (3), Currency (4), Decimal Places (5) and Association to the Forecast/Management Adjustments (6).
The editing of currency shall be enabled if a new company is selected in the bulk editing. The currencies that appear for selection are the ones registered as default in the Economic Group and default for the new selected company.
The option of Association to Forecast is only possible in a Forecast scenario, whereas the option of Association to Management Adjustments is only allowed for the Realized scenario.
When marking the checkbox “Common Configurations” the editing is enabled for Conditional (1), Type of totalization (2) and Rounding (3).
When marking the checkbox “Change tags” the options are enabled for adding new tags (1), replacing the tags existing in the selected premises (2) and clean all the tags assigned to the selected premises (3). When selecting the first or second option, the tags input is enabled so that the action is carried out.
At the end of determining the characteristics that must be edited in bulk, all you have to do is to click on the button “Save premise” on the lower right-hand corner of the mode and the changes shall be saved.
Bulk Deletion
In a scenario and category already created beforehand, with existing premises, the bulk deletion of premises can be carried out clicking on the button of the desired premise to select it (1).On carrying out this action, the checkbox located on the table header shall indicate a state of partial selection (2).
It is also possible to select (or remove the selection) of all the premises at a single time clicking on the checkbox located on the table header (1):
After selecting the desired premises is carried out, it is possible to edit them at a single time, clicking on the icon that shall appear on the upper right-hand corner of the subcategory:
When carrying out the action, a deletion confirmation mode shall appear, informing that this action is permanent and the data cannot be recovered afterwards. If you really want to delete the selected premises in bulk, all you have to do is to enter the numeric token presented in (1) on the input field (2)
If the number entered is identical to the token presented the confirmation button of the action shall be enabled (1). When clicking on it, your bulk deletion action shall be finalized.