Creating a Company

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Only administrator users can create a company inside of an Economic Group.

You can create a company in two ways:

  1. In the My Groups screen, in the contextual menu, in the Edit Group option;
  2. Inside an Economic Group, in the option list with the name of your group (option Edit Group).

In configuration mode, access the option Companies. A list of all companies of the Economic Group will appear and another column indicating the origin of the information for each one.

Click on the button + beside the search line to add a new company, informing its registration data.

  • Name: text or number identifying the company;
  • CNPJ: only type numbers. The platform will do the formatting 00.000.000/0000-00;
  • Company currency: begin typing to see available options;
  • Information Origin: indicates the way how information will be imported for that company – more details in the following item.

Finally, click on Create Company and the new company will appear in the list of companies.

Information Source

The origin of the information defines whether the information is independent of the company or if it originated from another company or Economic Group, from integration with other apps or via Accountfy. There are five distinct sources to integrate information:


This is the standard platform option and means that the information depends on manual import via a file. To learn more about importing files into Accountfy, access Upload Information

Economic Group

By selecting the source via Economic Group, a list with all groups you have access to will appear. It is sufficient to select one to carry out integration of the information.


If the source of information is a different company, the first step is to indicate the Economic Group and then select the Source company.

Integration via apps

Integration through apps requires previous registration; therefore, make sure that the apps are registered on the platform before indicating them as the Source of Information.

Access the file, to learn more about the connection with QuickBooks

Integration via API

If the source of company information is made via Accountfy API, technical development is required.