In this environment, you must parameterize the company’s Financial Statements, defining the structures of Assets, Liabilities, Result, and Direct and Indirect Cash Flows, as well as any other management information you want to be able to track.
It is not at this time that the “From/To” of the Account Plan is defined.
The left side of the screen shows the types of available Management Structures. By moving the cursor over each one, you will understand their respective functions.
Administering management structures
To create a Management Structure, drag the wanted type to the right, to a position of your choice.
Define the structure hierarchy in up to five levels easily and intuitively. For this end, drag the structure and drop it below another structure.
You cannot delete a structure that has other users associated to it. The structures in blue, on the other hand, are mandatory and cannot be deleted, but their information can be edited and moved to where you want.
For an improved experience at Accountfy, you will have to parameterize all structures in the tabs for Assets, Liabilities, Result, and Direct and Indirect Cash Flows:

In the Indirect Cash Flow tab, the first structure on the right, after the initial account balance, represents the Management Structure from which the Indirect Cash Flow should start, such as Net Revenue, Gross Profit, Accounting EBITDA, LAIR and Net Result. To edit this information, click on the icon represented by a pencil.
Foreign Exchange Configuration
Within the management structures, the following icon shall appear when a structure presents a foreign exchange pending classification:
You will also see a warning on the upper part of the screen, as follows:
Running the mouse over “structures with pendencies’’, you can check how many and which are the pendencies. To configure it, click on the pencil icon and select “Type of foreign exchange’’. If you have any doubts on how to configure your foreign exchange, access this article:
Choose the foreign exchange you want and then you will have the option of “Consider calculation of foreign exchange history’’, mark the option according to your wishes:
Select the desired foreign exchange and click on “Save”. The foreign exchange shall be now configured in the structure.