In case you want to make the inverse process and export to a spreadsheet what was generated on the Accountfy platform, return to the contextual menu, and select Export to XLS.
In case you want to make the inverse process and export to a spreadsheet what was generated on the Accountfy platform, return to the contextual menu, and select Export to XLS.
- Simplified version: a spreadsheet without details from accounting accounts;
- Complete version: a spreadsheet with all information, including account details;
- Initial date and Final date of the intended timeframe;
- From which Companies youwould like to view the values;
- Export via e-mail (being able to add the users you want to send to, all of them being from the same group or individually);
- Export only the consolidated view;
- And, finally, disregard structures with no values.
With the selected options, click on the button Export.